Mistake: Not Teaching My Children How To Make Coffee
Ok, so want to know what thing I’m super envious of? People whose spouses make them coffee! For real…I could care less about how fancy of a car you drive but if you promise to make me coffee in the morning I would be yours forever!
Alas, relationships aren’t built around making coffee though.
Which is why after 6+ years of being divorced I’m really starting to wonder why I never taught my teenagers how to make coffee. I mean if out of the kindness of my heart I get up and drive you to school in the morning then at least you could bring me coffee in bed before I do ,right?

So in the quest for making the best cup of coffee as fast as I can in the morning (it helps my attitude navigating car pool, trust me) I have owned every kind of coffee pot out there.
But for Christmas I got this! Whoa!

I’m not going to lie, one of the slowest ways to make coffee ever, but I don’t even care. It tastes
I run on coffee pretty much most of the day…so this beauty has done double duty for me. A cup in the morning while I’m getting ready, then when I head out the door I pour the rest into a travel mug and there is no need to stop at Starbucks on my way to the office! An amazing jolt of joy in the morning and money saving to boot!
So get your La Creuset French Press by clicking here, get your coffee on and tackle your day!