Miracle: Skipping The Check Out Line
I remember when my kids were little and I would have to go to the grocery store with them. It was literally like I was a dog going to the vet with my tail tucked between my legs the whole way. When Sydney was a baby I would have her car seat carrier in the basket of one cart, my oldest Abbie in the seat of the cart and pulling another cart behind me to fill with groceries! Oh just remembering back to that is like a living nightmare! I’m pretty sure a portion of my sanity is still in the frozen food aisle of a Kroger in Hilliard, Ohio!
Now that I’m in a different season of my life, a trip to the grocery store is still not on the list of Top 10 things I enjoy doing. Actually I’m a huge advocate of all things online shopping.

So when Instacart came to my area I was beyond thrilled! If you haven’t used it before I highly encourage you to check it out. I talk a lot to my coaching clients and agents about time management and this service has quickly become one of my go to tools.
First, it saves me money. I meal plan for the week and stick to it without being sucked in by impulse purchases or if the kids go with me, things they secretly throw in the cart. Also, while I’m filling my online cart I can actually see what’s in the fridge and the pantry and know whether I need a particular item or not versus adding it to the cart at the grocery store because I’m just not sure.
Secondly, it’s a HUGE time saver. I can create an online order from anywhere, lunch break, softball field, middle of the night in bed and schedule a convenient time for it to be delivered to my front door. By doing this I’m able to use my time more effectively and free up a little family time too.

Third, when I find myself with some extra time on my hands, I realized I don’t have to fill it with tasks that can be leveraged to someone else. I can actually take a moment for myself, read a book, take a hot bath, visit with a friend or head to the gym. I haven’t always understood the importance of this but I do now. It makes me a better parent, business owner, and friend and maybe gain a little bit of that sanity back still stuck in frozen foods at Kroger!
I also encourage you to think outside of the box with this service, my business partner has groceries delivered to his elderly parents, I’ve had items delivered for a sick friend (you know germs and all), and have even heard of someone having dog food delivered to a shelter before. This service can leverage you in so many ways!
If you haven’t tried it before, CLICK HERE, for $10 off your first order! Then leave a comment and tell me how you used your free time instead of reading magazines at the check out line!